Prominent Ear Operation
Prominent ear appearance usually occurs due to genetic reasons. Although it is mostly bilateral, it can also be seen unilaterally. The type of operation is decided according to the existing deformity of the patient.
The prominent ear operation should be performed in the pre-school period, that is, at the age of 5-6 years. Prominent ear surgery should be performed under general anesthesia in the operating room until the age of ten. It can be performed with local anesthesia in older patients. It should be closed with a bandage for a week to ten days after the operation. Hair band is used for about 1 month.
Although the cartilage shaping method is decided according to the condition of the deformity, the incision is made behind the ear and thus the scar will always remain behind the ear. So it's almost invisible. After the operation, some redness and swelling are seen.