The size of the breast may occur due to breast development, excessive weight gain or pregnancy. Reducing breasts over a certain size is not just an aesthetic necessity. It can also be very harmful to health. These people may experience neck and back pain, posture disorders, wetness and sores under the breasts. These situations are also very disturbing. Before breast reduction surgery, patients should be checked for possible breast masses, infection, etc. The person's breast growth should have stopped. The parts removed during the operation must be sent to pathology.

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The purpose of the operation is to move the nipple to where it should be and to shape it by taking the excess tissues of the breast, namely skin, fat and breast tissue. The operation takes 2-4 hours. Usually a drain is inserted. After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for at least one night.

If the patient has no breast size, only sagging complaints, then breast lift operation is performed. Minimal sagging can be corrected with prosthesis application. In case of more sagging, the nipple must be brought to the right place and the sagging area must be corrected. A drain can be inserted depending on the patient's condition in the operation. It is done under general anaesthesia. The patient stays in the hospital for one night.

After these operations, patients can usually return to their normal lives after a week. But they should pay attention to arm movements for 2-3 weeks. Sagging may recur, especially in large breasts and in patients with poor skin elasticity.