The first effects of aging are usually seen on the face. Due to the weakening of the connective tissue, decrease in collagen and elastin production, etc., sagging and wrinkles begin to appear on the skin. In advanced cases, the solution is usually surgery. Alternative methods are sought in cases that are not very advanced or in patients who do not want an operation. At the beginning of these methods are the methods of hanging with a thread . Previously used threads were non-stretchable and rigid threads. Their persistence was also short-lived. The dynamic thread we currently use is side, The French thread was developed in France in 2006 and is a biocompatible material. This thread is flexible and adapts to mimic muscles. Its permanence is 3-5 years. The application is performed under local anesthesia in clinical conditions. It takes 35-40 minutes. It will maintain its permanence due to its high suspension power. There is no scar after the procedure. The resulting pain can be relieved with simple painkillers. The result will be close to nature. With these threads, problems on the face can be eliminated, and they can also be used for the recovery of the neck area.