
Immunity is the ability of multicellular organisms to resist harmful microorganisms. In this process, the main cells in the body are macrophages and lymphocytes (B and T cells). Immunity in vertebrates is both innate and adaptive. The innate system recognizes foreign bodies coming from outside. It either tries to destroy them (phagocytosis), or it fights with an inflammatory response. Adaptive immunity enables to recognize the cells that are self and not to fight against them. If this immunity is impaired for various reasons, autoimmune diseases occur. In this case, the body cannot recognize its own cell and tries to destroy it. This reaction is usually limited to certain types of cells. For example, while target cells in Hashimoto's disease are thyroid hormone cells, joint cells in rheumatoid arthritis and central nervous system cells in MS (multiple sclerosis). Although there is no cure for most of these diseases, the quality of life can be improved by reducing the symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease.
Immunity is broadly divided into active and passive. While active immunity works with the body's own response to an external threat, passive immunity is achieved by stimulating the production of antibodies by giving microorganisms whose strength has been reduced by vaccines. It is breast milk that strengthens the immune system, which starts with the birth. There are many antibodies in breast milk.
n case of weakening of the immune system, our capacity to fight harmful microorganisms from the outside decreases, and some microorganisms that are normally harmless in the body have the opportunity to cause disease. Therefore, the immune system is very important for a healthy life. One of the most important parts of the immune system is the health of the nose, mouth, eyes, stomach and skin, which is the first place we encounter threats from outside. Most microorganisms are trapped and destroyed in these barriers before they spread throughout the body. Therefore, cleanliness is very important. However, obsession with hygiene can also cause these defense mechanisms to break down.
It is very important to keep the immune system healthy. The first things to do for this are to sleep properly, eat healthy foods, drink enough water, take the necessary vitamins and supplements, and adopt an active lifestyle. The most essential vitamins are vitamins A, B, C and E. Vitamin D, which has been very popular lately, should also be checked and replaced in case of deficiency. Proper sleep is very important for the immune system. Sleep disorder reduces resistance. Melatonin supplementation is recommended for sleep regulation. But in my opinion, the most important thing is to stay away from stress and the proper functioning of the intestines. Although it seems more and more difficult to get away from stress today, the important thing is to have the ability to cope with stress. Of course, stress cannot be eliminated, but it can be prevented from harming the body and soul. Worship and prayer, which can help us in this situation, will make it easier for us to calm down and reduce our stress level, like yoga and meditation. Another important issue is the proper functioning and health of the intestines. For this reason, foods and supportive products that help regulate the intestinal flora should be used. When the intestinal flora does not work properly, serious problems can occur on the skin.

Does everyone have fillers?
Unfortunately not. Although the fillings we currently use are quite safe, fillings should not be app ...
Can botulunium toxin be applied at all times?
We generally recommend botulinum toxin application for people over the age of 30. If there is excessive muscle movement at a younger age (such as severe frown), it can be done in small amounts to avoid much more dramatic results in the future. At least 3 months should pass between two applications.
Is botulinum toxin snake venom?
Of course not. Botulunium toxin is an exotoxin of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinium. It is a powder form prepared under laboratory conditions. It must be diluted and used.
Filling or toxin?
The working principle of both is different. They do not replace each other. The toxin inhibits muscle movement and is most commonly used to correct facial wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Filling is used to fill deep wrinkles or to increase the volume.
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Such a situation never arises. In general, moles that are removed are benign and do not have the pot ...