Delay Aging

The deepest fantasy of human beings and their daughters is probably not to die. That's why we love superheroes. But not all of us have a chance to be superheroes. That's why we want to at least not age. Not only do we want to lose our physical capacity, but we do not want to be left out of social life as an old person in society. Although technological and medical developments prolong our lifespan, the same technology also accelerates our aging. Looking at screens all the time makes us tired in every sense. The light emitted from the screens causes damage to our skin and eyes. At the same time, it is also important to be restricted from social life. One of the most important things we can do to delay aging is to reduce our stress. The easiest way to achieve this is a correct and satisfying social and sexual life. It is essential to be able to get rid of ambitions and our sense of competition as much as possible and laugh. We should have a good time with people who are good to us. We should be alone with nature as much as possible.
One of the most important parts of delaying aging is eating right and drinking enough water. It is important to avoid fast food as much as possible and to remove sugar and white flour as much as possible from our lives. In fact, there are studies showing that reducing total calorie intake prolongs life. We must make exercise a part of our lives. Obesity is a condition that adversely affects the entire body. Good sleep is very important for healthy aging. It is necessary to be able to sleep for at least 6-7 hours without interruption and to wake up early. For this reason, we should give up caffeinated drinks and heavy dinners that will reduce our sleep quality. Excess weight can also cause sleep apnea. Getting up at sunrise in the morning and activations such as yoga, meditation, and worship increase our capacity to cope with stress during the day. Vitamins and antioxidants necessary for the skin must be used.
It is one of the most important substances for skin health, moisturizing the skin well and the cosmetics used are compatible with the skin. Make-up should be done as little as possible, with quality and skin-compatible materials, and should be cleaned thoroughly. Sunscreen should be used with caution. Cosmetic procedures that nourish the skin, such as skin care and mesotherapy, should be done regularly and in the right places. We have to be very careful with everything we put on our skin. Smoking and exhaust gas should be avoided.

Does everyone have fillers?
Unfortunately not. Although the fillings we currently use are quite safe, fillings should not be app ...
Can botulunium toxin be applied at all times?
We generally recommend botulinum toxin application for people over the age of 30. If there is excessive muscle movement at a younger age (such as severe frown), it can be done in small amounts to avoid much more dramatic results in the future. At least 3 months should pass between two applications.
Is botulinum toxin snake venom?
Of course not. Botulunium toxin is an exotoxin of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinium. It is a powder form prepared under laboratory conditions. It must be diluted and used.
Filling or toxin?
The working principle of both is different. They do not replace each other. The toxin inhibits muscle movement and is most commonly used to correct facial wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Filling is used to fill deep wrinkles or to increase the volume.
Will moles turn into cancer when removed?
Such a situation never arises. In general, moles that are removed are benign and do not have the pot ...